Pine Fresh Shenanigans: The Artpad Files

A collection of drawings made via Artpad usually about baseball, mostly Red Sox related, but sometimes is ventured outside of that realm.

Friday, June 30, 2006

Red Sox Pitchers--They're with Leather!

A great defense is a sinkerball pitcher's wet dream. Actually its' any pitcher's wet dream to be honest. And this Red Sox defense? One of the best ever. From Coco Crisp's unbelievable game saving diving catch last night, to Adam Stern's game saver in mid-April, to Mark Loretta's nice defensive gems, to A-Gonz being A-Gonz, to Mike Lowell being awesome as hell, this defense is freaking awesome. Hell even Manny contributes here and there with some good defense and some outfield assists. As for the with leather line? If you don't know then you don't know the interwebs that way....just click this link and'll thanks me later

Red Bull Gives You Wings

This looks/reads/sounds like some uber corny Family Circus cartoon, but dude I apologize for that. But anyways, if you didn't watch last night, then you missed out on one of the greatest catches evar. Coco Crisp basically lays out like Superman and makes an astounding catch which even his own TEAMMATES were cheering for him. He attributed his catch to the Red Bull he was drinking (screencap linked courtesy of Surviving Grady) so of course, that joke was just waiting to be used, yo! Why Lester? I dunno, I kinda just went random there. And yes I know I can't draw Lester or Cora too effectively.

Wally and Mr. Met=BFF!

This one is pretty lame, but I had to considering that Wally and Mr. Met are basically all BFF now according to the Fenway Park montage they had about them going about the town. Which is amusing. And this can be open for interpretation for there are some rumors about Wally being gay. I wouldn't know for sure, I don't exactly look into those things. But hey, whatever way you wanna go, no problemo for me.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006


This artpad was suggested to me by the always fabulous CN based on an excerpt from the book Fantasyland, which chronicles one Fantasy Baseball staffer's journies into some clubhouses during 2004. This one came from 2004 in Spring Training, where the author of the book was talking to Bill Mueller. Suddenly, as they're talking, a voice appears in the shower. The voice is from Trot Nixon






Insert any "Deliverance" or gay joke here, folks. I'm not gonna make it, I'll let you all make it. However, I must get this book now.

Manny Steals Trot's Cookies!!

It's just Manny being Manny and Trot getting his cookies stolen. I don't really have much else to say. It's like the one w/ Lenny DiNardo getting the shit scared out of him by Trot in a Cookie Monster suit but this time, Trot gets his cookies stolen and he's all ragey, but it's Manny so I mean...he wouldnt' do that! :P

Pedro Martinez: One of 25

Another one of the "One of 25" set, this one on Pedro Martinez. First off, Pedro Martinez is one of the reasons on why I am a Red Sox fan. I remember being mesmerized with him during the 1999 All Star Game which was at Fenway Park(IMO, one of the best All Star Games ever). Pedro is one of the greatest pitcher to ever put on a Red Sox uniform. I don't understand why Dirt Dogs is on a one-man campaign to turn everybody against Pedro and to boo him. That's fucked up, forrealz, ya'll. Yeah so what if he left for the Mets, and yeah he may have been a primadonna every once and a while, but when he was on that mound he gave it his all and he always competed. That's what matters. And also, he didn't go to the Yankees like Johnny Damon did, so there. BTW, for Damon, I advocated that they cheer him once and then boo him the rest of the time.

Get Well Gammo!

Peter Gammons is the man, plain and simple. It broke my heart to hear that Gammo had suffered a brain aneurysm yesterday morning, but I am happy that the surgery was successful and they got to it before it bursted and is currently in good condition. Gammons is one of my heroes in the baseball world, he's a baseball writer who is a Red Sox fan, but he always writes objectively, for the most part. Occasionally he'll sneak some bias in, and as Gabe Kapler once said "Com'on man, everybody knows you're a Red Sox fan, enjoy this with us!" after the ALCS win in 2004. He's a great writer who while he does kinda need an editor time and time again, he's a fan of the game and he's doing what he loves. Also I reccommend everybody to read his HOF Speech from 2005. Here's to a quick and speedy recovery for the Commish. Also, I can't draw Gammo too well

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Brett Myers Gets Some Information

Brett Myers is a fucking scumbag. I'm all for seeing both sides of the story, but in these such cases, I can't do such things. Especially his whole comment of "Sorry it had to get public" which is just totally the wrong thing to say. Every Red Sox fan basically had the thought of Gabe Kapler administering some justice to Myers, for Kapler and his wife Lisa have a Foundation for Battered Women. In case you don't know the whole story about Lisa Kapler, read this article from the Globe. I added in Trot Nixon for obvious reasons of information providing.

Another Artpad About Manny Being Manny

With the recent rainfalls, I thought another rain-themed Artpad would be appropriate. Also it's been a while since my last pure Manny-related Artpad, so I think it's time I do one. Also, can't you imagine Manny being in a duckie raincoat?! Come on man, it's just comedic gold right there. In other words, with this rainfall, please stop I don't wanna set the MLB record for most rainouts in a season....I want some baseball dammit and Sunday afternoons w/o baseball are the worst evar. >:( RARR to them.

Papelbon Brings the Scrabble To the Locker Room

Yeah I've been lazy lately, my bad folks. But seriously, I had a little burst of creativity lately along with the accompanying rainout right now. This first one, well if you watched the game on Fox, then you caught Papelbon bragging about his mad Scrabble skillz(yes I know that's misspelled so shush you) and saying "DON'T MAKE ME BRING THE SCRABBLE BOARD TO THE LOCKER ROOM" followed by a completely inane ramble by Tim McCarver to which Joe Buck got brownie points by responding "Folks, feel free to turn off the TV right now" me thinks Buck is kinda suck of him. But anyways, this is just a brief interpretation of what playing Scrabble w/ Papelbon is probably like. Yeah I think he calls out people if he doesn't think certain words exist. I used Matty C because....dude, he'd so play Scrabble for the hell of it.