Pine Fresh Shenanigans: The Artpad Files

A collection of drawings made via Artpad usually about baseball, mostly Red Sox related, but sometimes is ventured outside of that realm.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Gonzalez to Loretta to Youks

This is a very unheard of but very welcome phrase to ever hear from the Red Sox, who lead the MLB in fielding. That, my friends is unheard of given the awful defense that this team has had in the past five years. You can probably replace Gonzalez with Lowell or Cora as well...actually just use Gonzalez, Lowell, Loretta, Cora, and Youks and just flip it around and you got yourselves some pretty spiffy DP combos. So anyways in conclusion. The infield=awesome. And I'l never get sick of that DP combo at all :D

The Longest Game

Tomorrow will mark the 25th anniversary of the continuation of The Longest Game. I grew in RI so the history of this longest game has been kinda forcefed to me, for PawSox games were basically a childhood tradition with RIers. You went to at least one or two games in your lifetime, sometimes in one season. I went in my younger years and I remember seeing guys like Trot Nixon, Nomar Garciaparra, and hell even Jeff Suppan. But for every successful(or in Suppan's case, inexplicably decent) ballplayers you had guys like the Immortal Izzy Alcantara and Pork Chop Pough as well. But anyways, on April 18-19...which I know I SEVERELY misdated, which I apologize. Anyways the two most recognizeable players who played in that said game and are now in the Hall of Fame are Cal Ripken, Jr and Wade Boggs(goes down smooth). BTW, that's Ripken to the right but I suck badly at

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Welcome Back Kapler

I don't talk about Gabe Kapler too often, and really, I'm not sure why I don't. It's not that I dislike the guy I just never really do. He's a helluva human being and I for one am so glad he's back. This is just in tribute to his return which I hope doesn't become a yearly thing of him saying "Bye" and then coming back like a while later. I kid I kid. This is also for my pal Courtney who is the biggest Gabe Kapler fan evar. And I don't blame her. Gabe....he's a prince of a human being as I've said once before. He's the kind of guy I'd want my future chilluns to look up to. Well if I ever have any chilluns. BTW, I still can't draw him for shit

Dominican Love Posse

For my Yankee pal Lauren who despite being a Yankee fan likes some Red Sox players. It's not that she hates the Red Sox, it's just that she never wants to see them win. Ever. Well that's the way she puts it. She despises A-Rod so mad brownie points there! :) Anyways, yeah this is circa 2005 HR Derby in which I had the most fun ever watching a baseball event. So many dorky inside jokes and so many dorky observations(Papi's daughter looking like Manny, Jason "0-fer Canada" Bay, and Tek's voice sounding like a part of the male anatomy(if it actually had a voice I mean), amongst others...including the ever popular Kenny Rogers jokes) but yeah after Papi's first round there was a mad lovely mobbage of Dominican players....of course I suck at drawing mobbings so I just used Manny waving the Dominican flag and Papi adn Miggy hugging.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Remy and the Mancrush

My dad and I can't be the only two people who see this(well besides the people I talk to about it a good 502 times a day) at least I hope not. Basically I think that Jerry Remy has a massive mancrush on Alex Cora. Granted it hasn't hit the level of Tim McCarver w/ Derek Jeter(though I hope to hell NOTHING ever reaches that level of creepiness) but it is pretty prevalent, IMO. But anyways, yeah that's what this one is about, I don't think I can demonstrate it any yeah. Enjoy!

Welcome Kyle Snyder

I'm pretty sure we all had this reaction when we first saw Kyle Snyder. We all thought "BRONSON?! How the hell did Theo pull that off!?" My theory, however, is that Snyder was rebuilt using DNA of Bronson and a few very cunning surgical procedures and a crapload of luck. Now how will he pitch down the stretch? Who knows. Hopefully, he at least is half of what Bronson is doing right now and I'll be happy.