Pine Fresh Shenanigans: The Artpad Files

A collection of drawings made via Artpad usually about baseball, mostly Red Sox related, but sometimes is ventured outside of that realm.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

The Waiting is the Hardest Part

This is self explanatory. Kinda lame, but I'm getting back into the swing of things w/ the artpads. This was originally meant to be Papelbon looking at his calendar and getting all pissed off, but then I started to add a wintry setting and because Papelbon isn't one of my best drawn players, it became just some silly fan. And honestly, I'm getting kinda antsy because I'm not really into football and

But the good news for Red Sox fans is that there are about 27 or so days until Pitchers and Catchers Report. :D I'll try to do a countdown of some sort by player number or some ish. Oh the title of this is from the song "The Waiting"-Tom Petty and the heartbreakers