Coco and Dunkin Donuts Smoothies
Done per the request of one of my LJ buddies, hopeless4him. She wanted one of Coco serving up Dunkin Donuts smoothies, as he did in a store in Boston along with Josh Beckett. Meanwhile, in Providence, they had Jonathan Papelbon at one of them. Now, I've worked at a Dunkin Donuts for a good 5 years now, but I'm more in the suburbs by the beaches. Actually, our store is the "go to place" for anybody whose hitting up the beaches. So I'm a little bitter at the fact htat Papelbon was at a DD in Providence and I was stuck in my little ol' town w/o any supercool stuff like that happening. :( That makes me sad in the heart. BUT we do have a contest amongst a bunch of Dunkin Donuts around in which the store that sells the highest percentage/customers or some shit like that of smoothies get Red Sox tickets. So...umm....welcome smoothies and buy one or else! :P Also I can't draw Coco Crisp to save my life, but I'll get better at it in due time. Oh and a small DD related tip: if you're watching your weight and want a Coffee Coolata, use Milk or Skim Milk...the difference in calories is mad significant. Using Cream is like a fat pill.
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