Red Sox Halloween: Hero Worship

I love drawing and writing about the younger players on the team. They're the funnest to do because I think of them as wide eyed children just amazed at the world around them. This is one of the examples why. Now Wily Mo Pena is dressed as Big Papi because, quite frankly, he wants to be Big Papi. I imagine him with Big Papi footy pajamas cuddling a stuffed Papi(seriously, the Red Sox are sittign on a goldmine here) while watching a tape of the 2004 ALCS. As for Paps, he is Timlin, who has quite a cult following of youngsters that relaly look up to him. I would've had Manny Del here in this spot(given he seems to have a bit of a mancrush on Timlin) but I couldn't pass up Manny Del as Michael Jackson. So Paps gets the honor. I think of Paps and Timlin as a sort of father/son kinda dynamic. And Papel is all "I wanna be like my dad...I mean teammate Mike!" I mean he dresses like him in some instances, so just being him would be second nature! Oh and I had to do the helmet flip, or as my friend Nikole puts it "Ejecto Helmet!"
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