Pine Fresh Shenanigans: The Artpad Files

A collection of drawings made via Artpad usually about baseball, mostly Red Sox related, but sometimes is ventured outside of that realm.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

The Blackbird of Hope and his New Home

There's times in life when baseball may seem like it's more than a game, that it's life or death. I know I'm accused of doing this a lot of times. I take losses like it's the end of the world and I have even gotten depressed over some really bad losses and sometimes get all over the top in my giddiness over some wins. It happens in life, but despite what we all say sometimes, baseball is only really a game. I've been reminded of this recently, with Jon Lester being diagnosed with non-Hodgkins lymphoma. This alludes to the "Blackbird of Hope" artpad series I did a good couple weeks ago. Right now, more than anybody else, Jon Lester needs that little blackbird by his side. Cancer is a scary thing, but the good thing with Lester is that they caught it early on and it's treatable. That's the important thing. I believe Lester will be okay, he's a tough sonofabitch.

Speaking of which, one of my friends from LJ Courtney and a few of her friends came up with this great idea about making silicone bracelets(and even t-shirts) in support of Lester. It's called The Lester Project. It's a great idea, I think, and I thought I'd let other people know about it as well. It's still in stages of infancy, so bear with them. There's also a MySpace page for it, in case you want more information there.


At 4:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I enjoy reading your blog on a regular basis, but this drawing is definitely one of my favorites.

Keep it up!

At 11:30 PM, Blogger Katiee said...

I added you on myspace and you're on my top 12


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