Get Well Lester
Right now, the season is basically lost, but honestly that doesn't matter to me. With what this team has had to go through with Papi having heart trouble, the five trilion incidents and this newest one, which is the feature of this artpad, I don't blame them for not exactly being in the game. I hope nobody else blames them either. I just hope they win enough to make it intesresting and to win for their pride. But if not, I won't be too upset. You see, it'd be one thing if they outright sucked all through August, but they didn't exaclty do that. They lost half their team basically. Sure SOME outright sucked but others just was awful. This latest event involves Jon Lester. He's currently hospitalized for enlarged lymph nodes, which are besting tested for all types of things including cancer. :( Oh and Manny is giving him a cupcake w/ a baseball looking frosting on it. Yum! Seriously, my thoughts and prayers are with the Lester family and the Red Sox, and I hope for a speedy recovery and for it to not be cancer. That'd be awful
aww Manny's such a sweetie
but seriously my heart goes out to Jon and his Family
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