Papi's Kitchen
Little known(yet true!) fact about David Ortiz, he likes to cook. He is pretty good at it too, from what I hears. But you should all know this anyway if you have the Faith Rewarded DVD, there's a segment with Papi and Sam Horn where Papi's making food for him. He actually says the line, and I think he was addressing Tom Caron "If you don't got any flava, stay out of my kitchen!" And I mean it's not like the usual "burgers and fries" fare either...he likes a lot of like healthy and exotic foods which is awesome on my list(and I'd love to try that seafood salad that it talked about in that linkage) I think seriously, the Jimmy Fund(and if Ortiz wants to do it too) should have an auction or something or a contest to "Win a Chance ot have Dinner with Ortiz" or'd make mad money for one thing and also Ortiz can cook :D well if he wants to. But yeah I'm rambling so I'll STFU right now and leave you be.
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